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Three Evil Kids
By: Writer TBD. Possibly... you?
"Please, Take These Ideas" works like Chicago improv. We'll throw out an idea for a book/TV show/movie and from there whoever wants to take the idea, write it - hey, first come, first serve.
Here's the premise for "Three Evil Kids." What if you took two nice, sweet, conservative parents in the Chicago suburbs and gave them Cruella de Vil, Gaston, and Maleficient as kids.
What would the parents do? Send them off to boarding school? Repeatedly ground them? Or just try to pretend their kids are perfectly normal. You've got Mom and Dad sitting on the porch sipping a glass of wine. "You know, Cruella's really sweet deep down... I think."
Step 1: Write book/script. Step 2: Give Disney a call. Step 3: Coming to a theater near you?

If you start writing this book/script, we'd love to hear about it. Email us at -
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